Welcome to a world of Pain

You Don't know me and you are going to be happy that you never did..
I have lived through a life of torment and agony. I was molded by the darkest fires of the nether realms. I roam this earth only to keep it safe from scumbags that harrass fair maidens on these "social" media websites.

"Time is a fleeting construct that the mortals like to worry themselves sick with.." - My older Brother Dave

You've Chosen Wisely

Choose your path from here on to dive deeper into my dark self.


You may not like what you find...

Don't mess with me, I'm NOT the kind of person you want to mess with..Do not disrespect women in front of me or I will unleash the beastIf you play Clash of Clans add me (link in DMs) ((NO TROLLS))Speak when spoken to, I am the master of this futile realm and you shall do as your told! or else....Big fan of musicals


homo fobesminecraft childsrenposers"covid" believersweebsif you listen to popwomen under a 7/10italiansK-POOP stans (unless it's TWICE #once4fever)Step-dad Bernie

My past is nothing to take so lightly as any commoners background or "childhood. I never had a childhood.. For all of my existence I have been forlorn, surviving on my own. I live with the curse of knowledge from an omniscient eldritch being. What insight he bestowed upon me I can never tell for the sake of humanity. Even if I hate most of you I grant you this one mercy so you shall never experience even 0.001% of the torment I go through on a daily basis. . Because it would probably kill you. I've been to places you could never fathom, hellscapes that no ordinary human could withstand, broken realities and black holes are like your school hallways and bedrooms. You laugh at me now but I know you will never reach anything to close to my power. Once I defeat my sworn enemy the world shall become mine and you will face the day of reckoning and havoc will rain down upon all you and sinners you will all bow to me as I sit upon the throne of the bones of your forefathers and drink from the goblet of blood sacrifices you will submit to me. Your time is coming.

    Submit while you can